Wednesday, July 30, 2008

You'll have to excuse the order of things around here...

I don't usually do things in order. I'm just like that! So look for any pictures that I put up for the next few days to be out of order. I'm new to this whole blogging thing and need to catch up!

Happy Birthday Brother!

, originally uploaded by magnolia.9701.

This is my brother-he turned the big odd 33 yesterday. He and his wife have their first baby on the way, due in January. I can't wait until I get to make pictures of The Belly!

So Lightroom 2 came out...

Not that I can get it right now or anything. But a girl can add it to her wish list right?

This is my daughter

, originally uploaded by magnolia.9701.

She has a love affair with Cabbage Patch dolls. I think she has about 5? of them. The one on the left side of the picture is an original from my childhood. She will be in second grade this year. FUN times ahead!

This is my son

, originally uploaded by magnolia.9701.

He is serious, he is funny, he is intense. He really does get along with his sister-most of the time... He is going into the 5th grade this year. Can you believe where I live that he will be in middle school. I'm not so ready for this-I downright terrified!

Monday, July 7, 2008


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.